KERTÉSZ & PARTNERS PLLC has extensive experience in the field of capital markets law, with a track record of unique transactions. It advises several premium listed issuers with in-depth knowledge of complex stock market operations and provides full legal support in capital market transactions.
KERTÉSZ & PARTNERS PLLC provides legal advice and representation in any litigation process for our Clients on an ad hoc and permanent basis. Within this framework, the Firm undertakes particularly the drafting and possible amendment of individual or collective employment contracts, company rules, internal procedures and, in the event of disputes, to represent the rights and interests of the Client to the fullest extent possible.
KERTÉSZ & PARTNERS PLLC provides a full range of legal services for any type of company, so be it a commercial company or a non-governmental organisation. In particular, the Firm prepares the documents required for establishing companies and corporate modification procedures, acts before the competent authorities and provides legal representation throughout the operation of the company and during the process of its dissolution, as required by the Client. In this context, our office also undertakes the management of possible mergers and acquisitions.
The aftermath of the credit crisis in the last third of the 2000s brought about a fundamental conceptual change in the regulation of credit institutions. One significant result of this change is that the involvement of lawyers is now a guarantee of the legality of transactions in the financial sector. KERTÉSZ & PARTNERS PLLC provides high quality legal services to many players on the credit market, so that our Clients’ presence on the financial market has always been successful and reliable.
Our firm’s core profile has become providing full-service legal advice and representation in mergers and acquisitions, financing, capital markets and real estate transactions, to a growing Client base since its inception.
KERTÉSZ & PARTNERS PLLC has extensive experience in other areas of civil law, as well as in administrative and criminal law, guaranteeing the success of our Clients.
In the course of the cooperation, KERTÉSZ & PARTNERS PLLC has provided and continues to provide professional legal support to these companies at all stages of their existence and development, on all legal issues that have arisen in the course of their existence.
We are proud to share that most of its lawyer colleagues are multidisciplinary professionals with foreign qualifications, they have significant professional experience, they are professionals who make it their life’s work to acquire and apply accurate knowledge and expertise in their field.
The Firm is constantly and dynamically developing, both in terms of the specializations covered and the number of lawyers handling cases.