dr. Anna Réka Fejér

Attorney at Law

Telefon +36-1-920-64-64

Email fejer@kpllc.hu


During her legal career, Dr. Anna Réka Fejér has mainly provided general legal support to multinational companies, mainly in the media and telecommunications sectors.

Previously, as a regional lead attorney for a major media company, she had the opportunity to be involved in the creation of several digital platforms to be launched on the domestic market, the launch of international television channels, and the legal project management of well-known international music events.

Currently, she also provides support to clients as a cooperating attorney of KERTÉSZ AND PARTNERS PLLC mainly in the areas of media law and corporate governance.


  • Media and advertising law
  • Intellectual property law
  • Contract law


Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences - Lawyer, 2010
University of San Francisco School of Law – LL.M. in International Transactions and Comparative Law, 2012


English – Proficient