dr. Beáta Molnár

Attorney at Law

Phone +36 30 257 6382

Email molnar@kpllc.hu


Dr. Beáta Molnár gained a significant part of her professional experience in the field of public procurement mainly on the contracting authority side, in the course of the full range of public procurement procedures of health care institutions, municipalities, state-owned large companies, in the framework of her independent and responsible accredited public procurement consultancy activities, which included the coordination activities related to the procedures, customer relations.

In the course of her work, she has been involved as a professional contributor in the regularity control of public procurement procedures and in appeal procedures, and she has also had the opportunity to represent bidders in the electronic public procurement system (EPC).

In the past year, she has been involved in the implementation of a dynamic procurement system as a responsible accredited procurement consultant, both in the EPC and in other procurement support business management systems.


  • Public procurement law
  • Civil law


Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law - Lawyer, 2001
Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration - Faculty of Business Administration, 2004
BAR exam, 2005
Member of the Budapest Bar Association, 2006
Member of the Official Register of Public Procurement Consultants, 2006 - 2016
Accredited procurement consultant in charge, from 2016


Cooperative, team player