dr. Gábor Gordán

Attorney at Law

Phone +36-1-920-64-64

Email gordan@kpllc.hu


Dr. Gábor Gordán, lawyer, economist. During his years spent at commercial banks he gained extensive experience ranging the areas from retail claim managements and rated corporation claim enforcements − including municipal debt settlement procedures as well – and now he has the possibility to invest such knowledge into his career as an attorney-at-law.

As an attorney-at-law cooperating with noted national law offices with long history he could deepen his knowledge in the areas of financial law, bankruptcy and liquidation law, and in company law while being an (associated) partner. In recent years within the framework of his positions he could fulfil legal representation of matters of structured project financing, restructured transactions, M&A transactions, drafting and implementing acquisition transactions, strategically significant liquidation cases and (numerous) collateralized retail mortgage claim enforcements, and drafting collection mechanisms.


  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
  • Banking and Capital Markets Law
  • Financial Law, Company and Commercial Law
  • Bankruptcy and liquidation law


Universität Regensburg Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Regensburg, Germany, 2006
University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Pécs - Lawyer, 2007
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs Finance Department, Specialized in Company Finance, Msc., 2011
Law exam, 2013


English – Proficient, German- Conversational